Starting my own firm & previous employers clients want to join me

Q: I have worked for a company in the accounting/audit field for over ten years. I wanted to leave a few years ago and start an accounting practice on my own, but I was constantly being held back. I was told by my employer that it is understood that certain clients who I have built up a relation with will want to leave that company and bring their work to me. He said that he will help me set up my practice and whatever assistance I require he will be there for me.

Now that I have finally decided to go on my own my employer tells me that I am not allowed to take any clients away from the company. When I mentioned to some of the clients that I was handling that I am leaving work and starting my own practice, they said they want to move their work to me. I told them that my employer said that I must tell them that I cannot take the clients over. The clients tell me that it is not the company's decision but theirs as they are the clients and they can decide who they want to give the work to. Some of them even said that if I wasn't at the company they would have taken their work away and some have also said that when I leave they will take their work away to another company in any way (if I'm not allowed to take on their work) so they can't understand why the company wants to dictate to them.

I wanted to leave on good terms as I enjoyed working for the company and I enjoyed a very good relationship with my employer. I would like to know if any of the clients approach me to do their work is it OK or is it wrong of me to do their work?

A: It is permissible for the clients to refer their work to you. In fact, it is incorrect to force any person against his wish. Both the client and the accountant are free to accept or to reject. Using coercion and force amounts to zulm, hence it is wrong and impermissible.

رقم 1940 - عن أبي صرمة : أن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قال من ضار ضار الله به ومن شاق شاق الله عليه (جامع الترمذي)

( الأجراء على ضربين مشترك وخاص فالأول من يعمل لا لواحد ) كالخياط ونحوه ( أو يعمل له عملا غير موقت ) كأن استأجره للخياطة في بيته غير مقيدة بمدة كان أجيرا مشتركا وإن لم يعمل لغيره ( أو موقتا بلا تخصيص ) كأن استأجره ليرعى غنمه شهرا بدرهم كان مشتركا إلا أن يقول ولا ترعى غنم غيري وسيتضح وفي جواهر الفتاوى استأجر حائكا لينسج ثوبا ثم آجر الحائك نفسه من آخر للنسج صح كلا العقدين لأن المعقود عليه العمل لا المنفعة ( ولا يستحق المشترك الأجر حتى يعمل كالقصار ونحوه ) كفتال وحمال ودلال وملاح وله خيار الرؤية في كل عمل يختلف باختلاف المحل ... (والثاني ) وهو الأجير ( الخاص ) ويسمى أجير واحد ( وهو من يعمل لواحد عملا مؤقتا بالتخصيص ويستحق الأجر بتسليم نفسه في المدة وإن لم يعمل كمن استؤجر شهرا للخدمة أو ) شهرا ( لرعي الغنم ) المسمى بأجر مسمى بخلاف ما لو آجر المدة بأن استأجره للرعي شهرا حيث يكون مشتركا إلا إذا شرط أن لا يخدم غيره ولا يرعى لغيره فيكون خاصا وتحقيقه في الدرر وليس للخاص أن يعمل لغيره ولو عمل نقص من أجرته بقدر ما عمل فتاوى النوازل (وإن هلك في المدة نصف الغنم أو أكثر ) من نصفه ( فله الأجرة كاملة ) ما دام يرعى منها شيئا لما مر أن المعقود عليه تسليم نفسه جوهرة وظاهر التعليل بقاء الأجرة لو هلك كلها وبه صرح في العمادية ( ولا يضمن ما هلك في يده أو بعمله ) (الدر المختار 6/64-71)

Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)