Husband & wife rubbing their private parts against one another with their clothes on during the wife's menses

Q: If a wife is on her menses is it permissible for a wife & husband to rub their private parts against one another with their clothes on. If not, and the husband suspected that it may be impermissible but tells his wife: I think it’s ok I am not sure. They proceed with the act. Does his statement constitute kufr?

A: It is permissible over the clothing. This statement does not constitute kufr

فيجوز الاستمتاع بالسرة وما فوقها والركبة وما تحتها ولو بلا حائل وكذا بما بينهما بحائل بغير الوطء ولو تلطخ دما ( رد المحتار 1/292)

Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)