Going to dargaahs

Q: We used to go to dargah many years ago (me and my parents) and do all the things which are against the teachings of Islam and we used to bow down at the grave there and then at that time our aqidah was like the person in the grave will act as a intercessor between us and Allah (which is not true) as said to me by mother. As far as I know, this is kufr and takes one out of the fold of the Islam and I am not married but my parents were married so their nikah too gets invalidated and nikah has to be renewed and we used to go many times to the dargah so if we do this kufr three times within one menstural cycle does three divorces take place? I would like to know the status of my parents nikah and I can't dare to tell all these things to my parents and they don't know all these things because if I tell them either they won't believe or they will get mad at me. Even the same situation is with my grand parents all I want to do is to renew both of their nikaahs but I don't know how to proceed please advice me.


Make istighfaar and promise never to do this again.

Their nikaah is valid.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
