Attending stage plays at school

Q: It is part of the school system in South Africa that students go for stage plays. Is it permissible for Muslim students to go for such events? Our school is a Muslim school yet the students go for these stage plays. I did not go for the play as I was told by an Aalim that it is not permissible. I would like you to write a very detailed reply why is is impermissible so I can present it to the head of our school.

A: In plays that are staged by schools there are a whole host of wrongs that take place. In almost all stage plays there is going to be intermingling and some music in the background, and by and large it is just a futile and idol activity without any meaning and without any constructive results.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)