Listening to Forty Duroods

Q: For listening to the Quraan you get Reward. Is their reward for listening to 40 Durood.  Where is it written that you must listen to 40 Durood and what are the bebefits of listening to 40 Duroods and what are the virtues of listening to 40 Durood?

A: These 40 duroods are wordings of hadith. Just as the reciting of the hadith is rewarding, listening to it is also virtuous. We haven’t heard of anybody who says that you must listen to the durood. This is a voluntary deed. After all, reading the actual words oneself or reading it out to others is an act of virtue, as well as an expression of love. The hadith says: “May Allah keep that person youthful and fresh who listens to my words and passes it on to others.”  

عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قال : نضر الله امرأ سمع مقالتي فوعاها وحفظها وبلغها فرب حامل فقه إلى من هو أفقه منه ثلاث لا يغل عليهن قلب مسلم : إخلاص العلم لله ومناصحة أئمة المسلمين ولزوم جماعتهم فإن الدعوة تحيط من ورائهم (جامع الترمذي رقم 2658)

Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
