Receiving money in a dream

Q: I saw a dream on Thursday morning between 10 and 11 a.m. I will be very obliged if u tell me it's ta'beer. In the dream I saw that on Eid day my daughter received some money in pounds as Eidee (gifts given on eid day). And she brings it to me to keep it safe as she does in normal life too. At that time I am busy in the kitchen so do not want to go upstairs into my room to keep the money in a safe place. I keep some money in a chocolate box and some money elsewhere thinking that I will take it out later when I get free. So when I get free I open the chocolate box and take out different notes in pounds. I feel that the money is much more than the money that I put in the box. Similarly when I take the money from the other place as well I feel that the money is more than I put their initially. So I mentioned it to my husband as well that see its so much money and I was feeling very happy in the dream. Then I woke up.

A: May Allah Ta'ala bless you and your family with Barakah in your wealth and sustenance.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada