Seeing a dream after making istikhaara for marriage

Q: A person reading istikhaara salaah for marriage, had the following dream, that requires your interpretation. She was married previously and has two male children aged 13 and 9. In the dream there is a function in a house that she does not recognize. A person unknown to her is showing her around in this function she is dressed up. then her ex husband walks past her, but does not take notice of her. thereafter she beings to wonder who invited him to this function, and she goers to a room and cries. While in that room, her eldest son, comes and comforts her.

A: The dream is positive. If her parents are happy with the Deen, akhlaaq and mannerisms regarding whom she is making istikhara for, and they are happy with the family of the boy, then they may get their daughter married to him.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada