Distributing Sweet meats from the Musjid funds

Q: In the next few days Insha-Allah (September 9th 2010) we will be having the Khatmul Quran for the Taraweeh prayers. A few members of the administration have suggested that sweets (mithia/halwa) be distributed on this occasion while other members have objected saying that the masjid funds cannot be used for such purposes. It should be noted that the masjid has 3 different accounts. 1 is the project account which is used for the construction of the masjid. 2nd is the Zakat account and 3rd is a general account that is used for the masjid maintance/upkeep and to pay for the ongoing expenses (utilities etc.) of the masjid. The members who would like to distribute sweets are of the opinion that this is an expense for the masjid therefore there should be no reservations regarding the matter.

We will be highly grateful if the Ulema can clarify for us the matter in the light of the Islamic Laws of Waqf if it is allowed to use the masjid funds  for such purposes.

A: It is impermissible to use the musjid funds even if it is from the musjid general fund for the purpose of distributing sweetmeats etc. People who wish to distribute may do so provided it is from their own personal wealth.

لا يجوز التصرف في مال غيره بلا إذنه ولا ولايته (الدر المختار 6/200)

إن شرائط الواقف معتبرة إذا لم تخالف الشرع وهو مالك فله أن يجعل ماله حيث شاء ما لم يكن معصية وله أن يخص صنفا من الفقراء (رد المحتار 4/366)

بعث شمعا في شهر رمضان إلى مسجد فاحترق وبقي منه ثلثه أو دونه ليس للإمام ولا للمؤذن أن يأخذ بغير إذن الدافع (البحر الرائق 5/270)

Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
