Feeding madrasah children in a walima

Q: In December I will be getting married and and my father wants to do walima in a very simple way like only family memebers of our home (sister, their husbands and my brother and her fiance) for a lunch or dinner gathering at my home. And by doing this we want to save money and wants to do two things.

1. Arrangement of lunch for the 500 kids of the madrasa on the same day.

2. Hajj performance for me and my wife in the same year.

Nowadays, minimum 6 lac required for any kind of ceremony for the 500 people and we think that its completely waste of money and showoff. So we want to utilise money in this way. Although we can do the ceremony like its happening these days but we think that feeding 500 madrasa kids is more important than the wealthy people. My questions are as follows:

1. Is this right doing this way?

2. Is this money can be used for hajj or not?

3. Walima is sunnat, will this be accomplished by doing it in this way? By feeding madrasa kids? Looking forward for your guidance.


1. It is permissible.

2. When it is your parents' wealth they can use it however they wish.

3. Insha Allah.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
