
Q: Almost all the time I get a few urine drops after urination, sometimes I don't get any. I wear an underwear and before every Salah, i wash the place where I think urine drops might have touched, is it ok? Plus some days (not daily) I have gas issues as well. Am I a mazoor? I read quranic wazaif for long hours, if i getup to make fresh wuzu, I probably cant finish the wazaif (for 1 hour or more). I make a wuzu before salaah and continue my salaah and quranic wazaaif.

A: If you qualify as a ma`zoor then you will only have to make wudhu at the beginning of the namaaz time irrespective of how many times that particular breaker of wudhu occurs. A ma`zoor is that person who experiences a breaker of wudhu, like passing of gas or urine incontinence so frequently that from the beginning of the namaaz time until the end of the namaaz time he / she is unable to perform wudhu and read namaaz without that particular breaker of wudhu occurring. If you do not qualify as a ma`zoor then you will have to make wudhu whenever your wudhu breaks. For further details regarding a ma'zoor refer to

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
