Wearing a T-shirt and performing Salaah

Q: Can we offer Salaah wearing a T-shirt with the British flag or any other country's flag printed on it?

A: When one stands to offer Salaah, one should ensure that one's attire and clothing conform to the Sunnah. Thereafter, one should perform the Salaah with complete devotion and concentration, fulfilling all the postures in the proper manner. It is in proportion to the quality of the Salaah that one receives reward from Allah Ta'ala.

Hazrat Anas (Radiyallahu Anhu) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasaalam) said, “When a person offers his Salaah on its prescribed time with proper wudhu, and fulfils all the postures in the correct manner (i.e. his qiyaam, ruku’, sajdah, etc) with the desired concentration and devotion, then the Salaah rises up in a bright and beautiful form saying to him, ‘May Allah Ta’ala safeguard you as you have safeguarded me.’ On the other hand, if a person does not perform his Salaah punctually, nor does he perform a proper wudhu or fulfil his postures in the correct manner, then the Salaah rises up in an ugly and dark form and curses him saying, ‘May Allah Ta’ala destroy you as you have destroyed me.’ The Salaah then rises to the point where Allah Ta’ala wishes, after which it is folded like a dirty rag and flung onto his face.”

Hence, when we understand that receiving the full reward of the Salaah is subject to performing the Salaah in accordance to the Sunnah, then the Sunnah manner of performing Salaah is for one to perform the Salaah while wearing clothing of respect and dignity.

Wearing a t-shirt and performing Salaah is not in keeping with the respect that should be shown to Salaah, more so when one bears in mind that he is standing before Allah Ta'ala. You should sincerely consider whether you would wear a t-shirt for your wedding. Would you attend the nikaah of your brother or very close friend wearing a t-shirt? Obviously not. This itself makes it evident that such attire is not regarded as dignified clothing.

Salaah is a meeting with Allah Ta'ala. One should therefore dress in dignified attire for Salaah. It is for this reason that the Fuqaha have ruled that performing Salaah with such clothing is makrooh.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

عن أنس بن مالك رضي الله عنه قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من صلى الصلوات لوقتها وأسبغ لها وضوءها وأتم لها قيامها وخشوعها وركوعها وسجودها خرجت وهي بيضاء مسفرة تقول حفظك الله كما حفظتني ومن صلاها لغير وقتها ولم يسبغ لها وضوءها ولم يتم لها خشوعها ولا ركوعها ولا سجودها خرجت وهي سوداء مظلمة تقول ضيعك الله كما ضيعتني حتى إذا كانت حيث شاء الله لفت كما يلف الثوب الخلق ثم ضرب بها وجهه رواه الطبراني في الأوسط ( الترغيب و الترهيب، الرقم: 584 )

( و ) كره ( كفه ) أي رفعه ولو لتراب كمشمر كم أو ذيل ( وعبثه به ) أي بثوبه ( وبجسده ) للنهي إلا لحاجة ولا بأس به خارج صلاة ( وصلاته في ثياب بذلة ) يلبسها في بيته ( ومهنة ) أي خدمة إن له غيرها وإلا لا ( وأخذ درهم ) ونحوه ( في فيه لم يمنعه من القراءة ) فلو منعه تفسد ( وصلاته حاسرا ) أي كاشفا ( رأسه للتكاسل ) ولا بأس به للتذلل وأما للإهانة بها فكفر ولو سقطت قلنسوته فإعادتها أفضل إلا إذا احتاجت لتكوير أو عمل كثير (الدر المختار 1/640)

قال العلامة ابن عابدين - رحمه الله -: قوله ( وصلاته في ثياب بذلة ) بكسر الباء الموحدة وسكون الذال المعجمة الخدمة والابتذال وعطف المهنة عليها عطف تفسير وهي بفتح الميم وكسرها مع سكون الهاء وأنكر الأصمعي الكسر حلية قال في البحر وفسرها في شرح الوقاية بما يلبسه في بيته ولا يذهب به إلى الأكابر والظاهر أن الكراهة تنزيهية اه (رد المحتار 1/640)

ولو صلى رافعا كميه الى المرفقين كره (قاضي خان على هامش الهندية 1/135)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)