New Muslim publicly professing his Imaan


1. Is it necessary for a new Muslim to publicly profess their Imaan?

2. Under what circumstances will it be permissible to hide one's own Imaan?

3. If a person dies hiding their Imaan, how will the Muslim public ascertain that this person was a Muslim? For example, if a person continued to live with their non-Muslim partner; did not dress as a Muslim; did not make a request for a Muslim funeral and did not change their name, would this be sufficient evidence to not classify them as Muslim?


1. Yes, when he is required to do so or if by concealing his faith it will create doubts in the minds of people.

2. When you are being threatened with death.

3. How can this person ever be classed as a Muslim when he did not express his faith.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
