Premarital relationships

Q: I needed to ask a question regarding my istikhara. I had prayed my istikhara and had a dream that I was in a place quite dark and there were other people there too eating and drinking and whilst I was in the bathroom of the place someone had attempted to rape me but I got saved when someone else walked in. The person that saved me had told me to stay with them after that and had told me to wait for them outside whilst they went to get something. However, once they had walked away I had ran in the opposite direction to my car away from the person that had saved me. I usually drive a silver car but in my dream the car was maroon and the dream had ended once I got in. I carried out my istikhara in regards to marriage and whether my fiancé has really turned to Allah the way he claims he has, I'm not too sure whether I should believe him or not and it is causing us problems. I really need an understanding of this dream and whether it means anything or not.

A: All premarital relationships are haraam in Islam. Immediately stop all communication and beg Allah Ta'ala for His forgiveness for the past sins and make a firm resolve that you will never repeat this in the future.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada