Early settlement discount

Q: Please give me guidance regarding the following:

1. We have an agreement with most of our suppliers that all accounts are to be paid within 30 days from date of statement. We receive a settlement discount of 2.5% only if we pay our account within the specified time (30 days from statement). Is this permissible?

2. In some instances, we pay a few accounts later than 30 days from statement (between 3 and 5 days later) and we are still allowed the 2.5% settlement discount from our supplier. Is this permissible?

3. If we sometimes have any extra cash flow, then is it permissible for us to call our suppliers and negotiate an extra settlement discount? For early payment of our account (that is paying our account in the same month that we purchased the goods, not 30 days from statement, but on the day we receive the statement) we are offered an extra 1.5% early settlement discount. So instead of the 2.5% only we receive a 4% settlement discount for early settlement. Is this permissible?


1-2. Since this discount is conditional, it is not permissible for one to accept the discount. However, if one has to make an agreement with his supplier that he is purchasing the goods for the discounted price as he will definitely pay within the time limit, then in this case, it will be permissible for him as both parties agree that the discounted price is the actual price. However, if he defaults and pays after one month, he will still have to be charged the discounted amount. If he is charged an extra amount over the discounted amount, then the extra amount will be interest and haraam. The four mazhabs are unanimous that early settlement discount is not permissible.

3. Since one is asking for this discount on account of him paying earlier than the due date, it will not be permissible and it will enter under the ambit of riba. However, if they agree on the discounted price and regard it to be the actual price of the goods, it will be permissible.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

فصل إذا كان عليه دين مؤجل فقال لغريمه ضع عني بعضه وأعجل لك بقيته لم يجز كرهه زيد بن ثابت وابن عمر والمقداد وسعيد بن المسيب وسالم والحسن وحماد والحكم والشافعي ومالك والثوري وهشيم وابن علية وإسحاق وأبو حنيفة وقال المقداد لرجلين فعلا ذلك كلاكما قد آذن بحرب من الله ورسوله وروي عن ابن عباس أنه لم ير به بأسا وروي ذلك عن النخعي وأبي ثور لأنه آخذ لبعض حقه تارك لبعضه فجاز كما لو كان الدين حالا وقال الخرقي لا بأس أن يعجل المكاتب لسيده ويضع عنه بعض كتابته ولنا أنه بيع الحلول فلم يجز كما لو زاده الذي له الدين فقال له أعطيك عشرة دراهم وتعجل لي المائة التي عليك فأما المكاتب فإن معاملته مع سيده وهو يبيع بعض ماله ببعض فدخلت المسامحة فيه ولأنه سبب للعتق فسومح فيه بخلاف غيره (المغني 4/52)

قال مالك والأمر المكروه الذي لا اختلاف فيه عندنا أن يكون للرجل على الرجل الدين إلى أجل فيضع عنه الطالب ويعجله المطلوب قال مالك وذلك عندنا بمنزلة الذي يؤخر دينه بعد محله عن غريمه ويزيده الغريم في حقه قال فهذا الربا بعينه لا شك فيه (موطا الامام مالك، الرقم: 2481)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)