
Q: I keep having dreams about different people telling me that I am pregnant. The first one I was sitting at a table with my mother and a doctor and then he mentions to me that I am pregnant and I tell him to be quiet as my mother is there. He is then silent for a while and proceeds to mention it again. In the other dream, I am driving a car and for some reason I am sitting sideways and driving the car and a cop pulls me over and then doesn't give me a ticket but asks me to write down what exactly happened in her book, after I do this, I hand her book back to her and she then tells me that I should be safe especially since I am pregnant. These dreams have occurred on different occasions in the same week.

A: Observe strict purda with all non-mahram males and remain in pious company at all times. Similarly, exercise caution in regard to the use of modern day devices (e.g. cellphone, internet, etc.).

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
