Dipping chicken in hot water to remove the feathers

Q: In many places, the chicken is slaughtered and then tipped in to the hot water and then the feathers are removed. In all the chicken shops this is the method. Is it permissible to eat this before taking impure parts? Secondly, feather removed by hand instead of using hot water and then roasted to removed small leftover feathers before taking out impure parts, is it permissible?

A: If the water is not so hot that it may cause the filth of the entrails etc. to penetrate into the meat and flesh of the animal nor is it immersed for such a long period that the water will cause the filth of the entrails etc. to penetrate into the meat and flesh of the animal then the animal is permissible.

As above.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)