
Q: Today I woke up at 7.07am in the morning with a dream in which I saw my mother dead though she is alive in real. In dreams when I enter home I saw my brother father sister crying. As I get closer I saw my mother lying flat I quickly ran towards her she was drenched in water seems to have died due to drowning. I was crying trying to wake up my mother but she was reacting. I was trying to hug n kiss her. In the background I could see a lot of people recite Qur'an. My mother's face colour changed to yellow. I tried to wake her up by pushing and tapping her, then she woke up. I asked her, are you ok mom than thru gestures she said she is hungry and willing to eat. Then I woke up. It would be very helpful if you guide me with the indication of this dream.

A: Perform your namaaz on time regularly and conduct ta`leem in the house.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
