The true friend is Allah Ta'ala

Q: I need urgent help from you if you could kindly suggest any prayer or dua for me. I had a best friend who was always with me. He would take me for dinner and would happily share personal stories with me. I did a lot for him as well. He promised me that he will never break our frienndship and I was his friend for life. 3 days ago he wants to  break the friendship with me and he told me never talk to him. For the last 3 days I am crying continuously and not able to eat anything. I am always sad and whenever I see him in the mosque happily with other friends, my heart stops and I feel very sad. Please help me because I feel as though I am going to die. What can I do to get my bestfreind back. I pray 5 times namaz daily so why did this happen to me? 

A: The real relationship is with Allah Ta`ala. You start the journey of life from Allah Ta`ala and you end it off with Him. You cannot avoid Him for a single second. Why leave Him and give your heart to someone else.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
