
Q: I had a dream about a few days ago. It was a very strange dream but I don't know it was a good dream or bad and I would like to know the meaning of it. I had a dream about Ml. Tariq Jameel sahib last night, I think you might know him. He is a (Pakistani Islamic scholar) but anyways in a dream, it's night time. There was this street full of Muslim peoples houses and Ml. Tariq Jameel had only one room and his room doors were open and also the light was on in his room. The people of the street were really happy and the children are playing around and the lights were on everywhere in the street, like the night of a wedding or Eid, I don't really know. So he was wearing white clothes, black have sleeves jacket and white hat thing. He was standing in his door then he called me and asked me two questions. First he asked "where did you come from?" I answered and said from Peshawar (a city in Pakistan). Second, he asked me " from where in Peshawar?" I answered and said from Gulub Araq (an area in Peshawar). Then he said, "oh really, my brother used to live there, he has two acres of land and I will ask him to give you one acre of land"... that's when I woke up. 

A: May Allah Ta'ala fulfil your halaal wishes.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
