Hadith explanation

Q: I have three questions:

1. Our Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said like this that to say If I did this that could happen theses types of sayings is shaitans words. But why its said that if you do this, this will happen such as  if I have a simple niqah it will be full of baraqah. Then when someone doesn't have a simple wedding and doesn't have baraqah.. Can't we say that if they had a simple wedding they would have baraqah? Why is it?

2. There's a hadith that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)'s time there used to be beggars who had money but yet they used to beg, Prophet (pbuh) said that it would bring them jahannam but He used to give them money as Allah didn't like misery for him. Nowadays there is a business of begging, when someone is begging we feel that they are related to business. If we give them money isn't it promoting the business? Whom should we give money to? If someone asks can we reject them?

3. Is working in credit debit section in bank haram? If my husband works in it what can I do as a wife?


1. In the first instance, it is to motivate you to do the right thing correctly, and with these statements you are motivated and your hopes in Allah Ta`ala increase. Your eagerness and enthusiasm is strengthened. In the second situation, there is nothing but grief, pain, anxiety and distress. And since it is already over you cannot do anything about it. Thus, it will end up in you disliking and disagreeing with the decree of Allah Ta`ala.

2. We are commanded to give wealth to those who are deserving.

3. Since the bank's main operation is usury and interest, to work at any department of the bank will not be right. It is like a cashier at a butchery mainly selling pork.
Discourage him.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.



Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
