Vaginal discharge


1. What is the ruling if a woman has vaginal discharge every now and then, does she have to break her salaah and make wudu again?

2. Can she recite the Quran?

3. Does she have to change her clothes?

4. Please make dua that I can read my fajar salah daily. I am trying hard but I cannot wake up for fajar. Please make dua and tell me a way that I never miss my salah.


1. If she qualifies as a ma`zoor then she will only have to make wudhu at the beginning of each namaaz time irrespective of how many times the discharge occurs. A ma`zoor is that person who experiences a breaker of wudhu, like passing of gas or urine incontinence etc. so frequently that from the beginning of the namaaz time until the end of the namaaz time he / she is unable to perform wudhu and read namaaz without that particular breaker of wudhu occurring. Once this is established, one will remain a ma`zoor for as long as that particular breaker of wudhu occurs at least once in the rest of the salaah times that follow. If she does not qualify as a ma`zoor then she will have to make wudhu whenever her wudhu breaks.

2. Yes.

3. Yes.

4. Get someone to wake you up and have at least five loud alarms placed at different points in the room.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
