Interpretation of dreams

Q: I had 3 dreams. All of them were in the space of a week. Could you please help me interpret them.

1. I found a wallet on the floor with some money in it.

2. I was in the middle of a job interview so the interviewer asked me a question on global issues (Muslims and Jihad). I wanted to answer his question but I started off by saying bismi Allah and then I explained tauheed and explained our Nabi's (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) position in prophethood.

3. I entered into a masjid and started to make wudhu in the most careful manner that I've ever made wudhu. Just as I was about to finish one foot the dream ended (I woke up).


1. Fulfil the obligations you owe towards people and ensure that you return all trusts to their rightful owners.

2. Turn to the Ulama for guidance, especially in Deeni matters.

3. Ensure that you perform your Salaah in the proper manner with concentration and devotion and fulfilling all the Sunnats from the beginning till the end (i.e. from the commencement of the wudhu till the end of the Salaah). Similarly, you should also perform the Salaah with jamaat in the Musjid.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
