Dream of a farm and a preschool

Q: Please assist me regarding two dreams that I had:

  1. I dreamt that a farmer and his workers were cutting the legs of wild boar on his farm that came in and were eating his crops and they were throwing them over the fence. I was very upset at what they were doing and was trying to stop them but they would not listen.
  2. In another dream I dreamt that there was a lady hanging in our yard where I have a preschool and the people were saying that the Moulanas said that she must not be removed. I said that can't be possible because she is dead, she must be removed and buried, but they would not listen.

Dear Mufti please explain the meaning of these dreams to me.



  1. You should inculcate the complete Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in your life and support the Ulama and those that are propagating Deen. Similarly you should be more cautious about the company you keep and the literature that you read.
  2. You should ensure that everything in the preschool conforms to Deen.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada