Sihr and black magic

Q: My friend who is been forcefully married to a man whom she does not want to get married is suffering a lot of problems from day 1. She could not adjust with him. So her husband forced her and made her pregnant. In her pregnancy also she had to face lot of health issues and ended up in abortion. Her family is quite superstitious and went to a man who is claimed to be a thangal (sayyid) and told him the problems. And surprisingly that person is telling many other things related to their family like her mother is having waswas (whispering of shaytan) and about their business and those are true. And he told that a person from Hindu religion has done sihr on them and they had to believe. And recently they found some petals of a flower, black string and egg written something related to Hindu religion on it were found from their old office. That sayyid recommended them to recite certain surahs like Al Saffath, Al jinn and also told them to handover their business to someone who is not from their blood relation. He also recommended them to shift their place for sometime till everything becomes calm. What it is all about? I need to show my friend and her family the right path. Can you help me with this?

A: There is no need to give away the business etc. Take the advice of some experienced righteous aalim or shaikh living near you and ask him to guide you.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
