Breastfeeding through medication

Q: My wife and I cannot have children however we are considering "adoption" but in the sense of fostering, i.e. ensuring that the child would not take our name and would know of his or her lineage. How I would do that, Allah grant me hikmah and make it easy.

I understand the legal issues around breast-feeding and the mahram status it provides to adoptive muslim "parents". Would this status still apply if my wife were to induce (by means of taking medication) the production of breast milk in her body? That is to say, the breast milk would not be produced by means of a child being born to my wife, but rather due to taking a pill to cause it to breast feed another child. We are both Hanafi.

I understand that this too is a modern phenomena, ie, inducing by means of medication the production of breast milk. Being a modern phenomena, there could probably be ikhtilaaf on this matter. I would like to now what is your opinion on this matter and with great respect, ask you to please explain the proofs for arriving at that opinion. Also if there is another opinion held by other ulema, could you possibly inform me of that opinion and also the proofs they may have.  


A: If it can be proven without doubt that the milk that fills into the breast is purely through medication and the husband was not in any way instrumental then the husband will not be the foster father.  

يثبت ( أبوة زوج مرضعة ) إذا كان ( لبنها منه له ) وإلا لا كما سيجيء ( فيحرم منه ) أي بسببه

قال الشامي في رد المحتار : قوله ( وأبوة زوج مرضعة لبنها منه ) المراد به اللبن الذي نزل منها بسبب ولادتها من رجل زوج أو سيد فليس الزوج قيدا بل خرج مخرج الغالب بحر وأما إذا كان اللبن من زنى ففيه خلاف سيذكره الشارح ويأتي الكلام فيه قوله له أي للرضيع وهو متعلق بالأبوة ح أي لأنه مصدر معناه كونه أبا ط قوله ( كما سيجيء ) أي في قوله طلق ذات لبن ح قوله ( أي بسببه ) أشار إلى أن من بمعنى باء السببية ط (رد المحتار 3/ 213)

رجل تزوج امرأة ولم تلد منه قط ثم نزل لها لبن فأرضعت صبيا كان الرضاع من المرأة دون زوجها حتى لا يحرم على الصبي أولاد هذا الرجل من غير هذه المرأة (الفتاوى الهندية 1/ 343)

Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)