Agent taking a commission

Q: My company arranges business agreements between two parties. According to the business agreement, the first party pays money to our company for the second party that gives service to the first party. Our company acts as a business agent and takes commission from the money given to us as fees for the second party without telling the first party but with the permission of the second party who already worked with us.

Also, we take another fee from the first party while telling them that it is our service fee for arranging the business agreement with the second party and it is a clear dealing.

My question is about the commission that we take from the second party fees without notifying the first party (payee) is halal or not? Because this commission is the main source of income for my company. If this commission is not permissible then the salary I take from the company is halal or not? 

A: If it is with the second party's consent and the commission is known then it is permissible.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)