Parent's calling one while one is performing Salaah

Q: Please clarify for me, I had learnt that if I am praying salaah not a Fard and my parents call me I should break my salaah and respond to them. Is this correct?

Further I had done this when praying the Nafl of maghrib. However after seeing to my mother the salaah time expired. Will this Nafl have to be repeated as qazaa?

A: The detailed explanation of the mas'alah is as follows:

A person’s parents or grandparents are in some sort of difficulty and they call for him while he is offering his fardh salaat. It will be wajib to break the fard salaat if there is nobody else to assist them.

If the person is offering a nafl or sunnah salaat and his parents or grandparents do not know what salaat he is offering and they call for him, even then it will be permissible to break the salaat and answer to their call. This is irrespective of whether they call the person because of a need or for no apparent reason. It will be a sin not to break the salaat and respond to their call. But if they know that the person is in salaat, and yet they call him, he should not break his salaat. But if they call him out of a need and there is a fear of some harm, he should break his salaat.


And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)