Will one be a ma'zoor by emitting few drops when aroused?

Q: I have been experiencing a few problems lately. Often when I experience an erection, a few drops of what I believe to be semen. I have never had a wet dream so I don't really know what it should look like. This does not happen everytime but it does occur.

a) Am I considered to be mazoor?

b) If not do I have to have a bath every time that happens?

c) If i am mazoor do i have to have a every time?


1. If it is not something that is continuous then you will not be ma`zoor.

2. If it happens when you are awake then ghusl is not compulsory. However, the soiled area needs to be washed.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
