Is it a requirement to go to a musjid to accept Islam?

Q: I recently was asked by a non Muslim if I can tell him the shahada to make him become Muslim because he wanted to become Muslim. So I told him the shahada in Arabic and also in English and explained what is Islam and what you should believe in to be a Muslim. He did it and he believed on what we all Muslims believe so he became Muslim.

After some time this guy asked me that someone told him that the shahada you believe and the things you believe in that the other guy told you. With that you can’t become Muslim because everything he told you is true but you must go to a masjid and repeat it with the masjid Imam so he can repeat with you then you will become Muslim. The other guy took him to a masjid and the imam repeated the same things.

My question is that is this guy became Muslim the first time I repeat the shahada with him or no he became Muslim when he met the masjid imam which one is truth  Can someone regular not an imam make someone become Muslim ? Or no only imam can make someone Muslim ? Am I sinful because I told him shahada first time and he believed it?

A: No. The person who is advising him in this manner is a jaahil. Don't pay attention to him.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
