Questioning the command of Allah Ta'ala

Q: Why does Allah Ta'ala want us to do good deeds since He does not need our deeds? And then He chooses us to either go to hell or Jannah. I'm confused because I dont want to go to jannah or hell. Me and my actions never satisfied Allah Ta'ala's commands. Why Allah Ta'ala gives us only two options for after life. I'm not satisfied to live this life as Allah Ta'ala wants. Also I can't stand in front of Allah Ta'ala on judgment day to give my account of actions in this world. I know I'm one of the losers on that day. "In this world things are not in my control" 

A: Just as in the matters of life and health you have just got two choices either to eat and remain healthy or to starve and die. You will select one of the two. You either become healthy or leave out eating and become sickly and die. You don't ask about these things that why you only have two choices, just to remain healthy or sickly, nor does this doubt cross your mind.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
