Lineage of a child born through marrying one's mahram

Q: If a person married his mahram and children were then born from this relationship, will the nasab (lineage) of the children be established from the father? Likewise, will the ruling be the same in the situation where a person married a woman who was haraam upon him because of hurmat-e-musaaharah, ridaa'at, etc. Also, can mufti saheb please explain if there is any difference in the ruling if the husband knew that she was haraam or didn't know?

A: It is not permissible for one to marry his mahram, nor is it permissible for one to marry a woman who is haraam upon him due to hurmat-e-musaaharah, ridaa'at, etc. Hence, it is necessary for them to separate immediately. However, if prior to separating, they had children, the nasab of the children will be established in both situations i.e. in the situation where he married his mahram and in the situation where he married a woman who was haraam upon him due to hurmat-e-musaaharah, ridaa'at, etc. There is no difference in the ruling in the situation where he knew she was haraam prior to the nikaah or he did not know.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

(وعدة المنكوحة نكاحا فاسدا) فلا عدة في باطل وكذا موقوف قبل الإجازة اختيار، لكن الصواب ثبوت العدة والنسب بحر.(الدر المختار 3/516)

(قوله: وعدة المنكوحة إلخ) مبتدأ خبره قوله: الآتي الحيض، وهذه الجملة بتمامها مستغنى عنها بقوله سابقا كذا أم ولد مات عنها مولاها، أو أعتقها وموطوءة بشبهة أو نكاح فاسد في الموت والفرقة ط. على أن كلامه هنا يوهم وجوب العدة في النكاح الفاسد ولو قبل الوطء وليس كذلك، فإنها لا تجب فيه بالخلوة بل بالوطء في القبل كما مر في باب المهر (قوله: نكاحا فاسدا) هي المنكوحة بغير شهود، ونكاح امرأة الغير بلا علم بأنها متزوجة، ونكاح المحارم مع العلم بعدم الحل فاسد عنده خلافا لهما فتح.(رد المحتار 3/516)

امداد الاحكام 2/277

كتاب النوازل 8/210

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)