Women enjoying exclusive favours in Jannah

Q: I always got amazed when reading about Friday markets in Jannah and what happens there and it got me wanting to do good deeds to enter paradise. However, I read somewhere that only men go to Friday market and women don't. The description of Friday market is very amusing and wants everyone want to be there but I feel heartbroken that even if I make it to paradise I won't be able to get there purely because I am a female. Why don't women get a Friday market? If Friday markets are only for men, then what do women get?

A: This is a weakness of your understanding. Allah Ta`ala will bless the women and the weaker with things that will make them fully satisfied, equal to the satisfaction of men. And many women will be blessed more than many men. How this will happen, it is known best by Allah, but have the conviction that they will get equivalent to what men get and in many cases more. Some of the favours that are exclusive to women are not mentioned because of modesty, shame and integrity. Things pertaining to women must be concealed for their own integrity and respect.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
