Sending girls to girl's madrasahs

Q: In the times of fitnah that we are living in, should we send our daughters to a girl's madrasah? If need be, should they stay or stay at home and travel? Or should we give them the correct Deeni education at home?

A: It is fardh for every Muslim to learn the correct Aqaaid (correct beliefs), Ibadaat (righteous and correct actions), Muaasharat (social etiquettes), Muaamalaat (mutual dealings and transactions) and Akhlaaq (good character and mannerisms). Hence, if it is possible for the parents or some family member to educate the children within the home, then this will be the best thing and there will be no need to send them to a girl's madrasah.

However, if this is difficult, then it is permissible to send them to a girl's madrasah which has proper purdah facilities and which is supervised by reliable ulama who have the correct deeni understanding and the knowledge of the sunnah. Daily after the lessons are conducted, they should return home.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)