Forgetting to remove one's leather socks (khuffain) before 24 hours

Q: I use khuffain regularly in winter and I usually always remove it before 24 hours are up before using them again.

Recently I forgot exactly when my wudhu broke after I put the khuffain on. Since I made wudhu and put the socks on after Asr, it was perhaps after I read my Asr Salaah that my wudhu may have broken. I made masah on them thereafter till the next day. The next day I forgot to take out the khuffain, I made wudhu with masah on them to read Maghrib. My wudhu broke after this so I again made wudhu with masah on the khuff preparing to read Esha. I realised my error, but it was too late for me to make full wudhu to read Maghrib again. So I simply washed my feet, put the khuff on again and read Maghrib again just as Esha time set in.

1. Will my Maghrib Salaah be valid or do I have to repeat it?

2. I read Quraan in this time with that wudhu. Would I have been sinful? Should I read those surahs again (Yaseen, Sajdah)?

A: If the dominant portion of your mind was that your wudhu broke before Maghrib on the day you wore the khuff, then you were supposed to remove the khuff before Maghrib on the second day, and it was not permissible for you to perform the Maghrib Salaah with making masah on the khuff as the duration of one day and one night (i.e. 24 hours) had already passed while wearing the khuff.

Nevertheless, since you removed the khuff, washed your feet and repeated the Maghrib in the Esha time, your Maghrib Salaah was valid, but it had become qadha upon you. You should make taubah for this and ensure that you do not repeat this mistake in the future.

The recitation of these surahs is valid. However, if you touched the Quraan without wudhu while reciting the surahs, then since this was not permissible for you, you will be sinful for this. You should make taubah for this.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)