Imaan of a person who passed away while supporting the LGBTQ+ movement publicly

Q: If someone asks me regarding Jesse Duarte...and I say she passed away a murtaddah in terms of shariah and if the claim that she read kalimah is true then it is Allah's perogative to forgive or punish her. Did I say the correct thing?

When I tell people she passed away a murtaddah, people tell me that I should not judge...but theres clear cut evidence she supported the LGBTQ+ movement publically in which she stated that we must change our thought process.

My father tells me that if anyone asks, I should say Allah knows best. According to senior Aalims they say that she passed away a murtaddah and if she repented, that is between Allah and her. Please advise respected mufti saheb.

A: If all the evidence shows that she had aligned herself with a kaafir thought then there is nothing wrong to say that she aligned herself with a kaafir thought. Just as Abu Jahal and Abu Lahab, they aligned themselves with a kaafir cult till the end of their lives, hence a Muslim is constrained to say that they died as a kaafir.

The same applies to Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani. He also aligned himself to kufr and disbelief right till the end. There is no evidence of him retracting and making taubah and the condition for the validity of taubah is that if a sin is committed openly then the retraction and taubah must be done openly and publicly. So Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani did not do a public retraction. Therefore, all the ulama say that he died a kaafir.

Nobody says that maybe they are Muslims. We will follow what Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) said that we will decide by what is apparent. The same applies to other leaders of the world, Mother Theresa, Mandela, etc. Inspite of their achievements, they remained on their ways of kufr right till the end.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
