Attending sports events organised by a Christian church

Q: What is the Islamic ruling regarding Muslims partaking and attending sports events organised by a Christian church?

A: The Quraan Shareef says that they (disbelievers) have taken sports as their religion.

Secondly, sports is a culture on its own, where every type of wrong becomes part of the sports. Whether it is music, intermingling, missing out salaah, a stripper running across the field, consuming wine, etc. and they all come with their consequences.

Thirdly, the hadeeth says it clearly that sports and pastimes are baatil, except for racing, archery, and horse riding. These are activities that the hadeeth has encouraged; other sporting activities have been condemned.

Fourthly, generally the element of gambling is also included in sports events.

Lastly, we are asked to keep away from kuffaar and not to be friendly with them as per the verses of the Quraan Shareef. For today you will be friendly with them in a sports event, but the friendship will not be regulated. It will definitely cross the borders of permissibility. Hence, we strongly condemn these types of events.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)