Doing zikr collectively in chorus in the masjid

Q: In our musjid they recite a heart touching zikar after every fajr which goes like 'la Ila ilallah kareemus sataar,la ilah illah wahidul kahaar... they continue chanting different names/powers of Allah SWT in a definite order. I want to memorise it but can't find it on Google or YouTube because I don't know the name of this particular zikr.

Can you please tell me the name of this zikr so I can find this online.

A: After the five daily salaah, zikr should not be done in the manner you have explained (i.e. collectively in chorus). This practice is an innovation and has no basis in deen.

There are two problems in doing zikr in this manner. One is doing zikr collectively in chorus. This manner of doing zikr is not established in deen. The second is restricting this zikr to doing it loudly after the fajr salaah.

Generally, when these types of innovations enter deen, then apart from it being a sin in itself, it is the cause for people being turned away from the musjid. Some people don't want to come to the musjid for salaah because of the bid'at taking place. Others refrain from coming to the musjid to perform salaah because they feel that if they come, they will be forced to take part in the practice and remain till the end. They feel that if they wake up before the zikr commences or in between, then they will be looked down upon.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
