Washing limbs more than three times during wudhu and water reaching the skin under the beard

Q: During wuzu, it is sunnat to wash the limbs of our body 3 times be it the face, hands or legs.

1. What if we feel that on 3 times we haven't fully wet the particular limb, can we then wash a particular limb more than 3 times? Will this invalidate the wudu or that just means we will leave the sunnat but wudu will be done?

2. As for cleaning the face during wuzu, is it necessary that water reaches in the gaps and the skin below the beard/moustache?


1. If a person washes a limb three times thoroughly, then there is no need for him to entertain doubts thereafter that the water did not reach. However, if a person did wash more than three times then it will not invalidate the wudhu, though this is makrooh and against the sunnah.

2. If the beard and moustache are thin, and the skin beneath is visible, then one should ensure that water reaches the skin. However, if one's beard and moustache are thick and dense, then merely washing the external beard and moustache is sufficient.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)