Performing salaah without a topee

Q: My question is regarding namaz. Can one offer namaz without something on his head? I mean topee, cap or hat etc? When we are late for namaz, we rush and join the jamaat ignoring the cap etc. Further, if we are offering namaz at home, can we perform namaz without a cap?

A: The namaaz will be valid, but this amounts to not showing the respect and care that is to be given to the namaaz. A simple thing is to wear the topee at all times, as this is a Muslim identity. And how disgusting it is for a Muslim to be mistaken as a non-Muslim. And if for some reason he has to take his topee out, can't he keep it in his pocket. It is a shameful way to appear before the king of all kings.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)