Consulting with elders after making istikhara

Q: My question is regarding istikhara. I performed istikhara regarding a person and recently found out something that would be counted as an obstacle/barrier between me and this person. So I understand that Allah is showing me there is no good in this matter and so my question is that does this mean that this person will never be good for me or perhaps that this person is not good for me in this moment. And I am transgressing against Allah by hoping that we could perhaps reunite, since I genuinely believe this person is good for my deen and aakhirah and I am saying that based on me ignoring my desires and thinking hard whether or not this perosn will help me get closer to Allah.

A: The better thing for you to do is to consult with your elders. If your elders, who have more experience and knowledge than you, feel that the person is a good match for you and the weaknesses in his life are not serious and can easily be rectified, then you may marry him.

However, if they feel that he is not a good match for you in your deen and dunya, then you should not pursue this issue.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)