Ash'ari and Maturidi beliefs

Q: I want to enquire regarding Ash'ari and Maturidi theology/beliefs. What do they entail and why do we (اهل السنة والجماعة) follow these imams?

What beliefs of these do we follow as Ahnaaf/Shawafi?

How does following them tie into following the madhaahib?

Is there any detailed books on this authored by reliable authors?

A: From around the second century of Islam, some baatil sects like mu`tazilees, khawaarij, murjiyah, qadriyah, etc. had surfaced with all their wrong beliefs and corrupt ideologies. There was a need to clear all this mess and all the corrupt and false ideologies. So these two Imaams were in the forefront of clearing all this filth and supported the Muslims to come onto the right thinking and the right beliefs. Just like in the field of fiqh there was a need to bring people on the right understanding for the laws and the details of deen, and the four imaams were in the forefront to accomplish this great task.

There is a kitaab in Arabic, "Ahlus-Sunnah Al-Ashaa`irah".

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)