Transporting a non married couple to their home

Q: An old school friend that does not practice deen (I don‘t exactly know his belief) and his girlfriend (I think she might be Christian since we are in Germany and she’s German) went to another country for holidays.

Now they want me to pick them up from the airport and bring them to their home where they live together. Since I don‘t want to be sinful I would like to know if it was haram for me to transport these people.

I read that transporting people to certain places as a taxi driver is makruh tanzihi in the Hanafi madhab since one is only indirectly assisting in sin. However, I am not a taxi driver and I don‘t want to make assumptions.

Am I sinful for transporting non married couples to their home?

A: We are commanded not to support sin and wrong. Them not being married and being together is a great sin and transporting them will be assisting their evil conduct.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)