Husband not obliged to pay for his wife's medical bills

Q: I read that it is not an obligation for a husband to pay for his wife's medical bills, and that she must pay for them herself. How can a woman who has not gone to college or worked outside the home due to following Islamic rules get a job that will pay for her medical bill while also being sick? I do not understand how a Muslim women are supposed to cover their own medical expenses when Islam has discouraged them from working their whole lives? 

A: Just as it is not compulsory for her to prepare the food and take good care of the house etc. likewise it is not compulsory for the husband to pay her medical bills. However, if the husband wants her to do this then this is an additional favour from her, so he should also reciprocate by paying her medical bills.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)