Seeing a yellow discharge

Q: I have a yellow discharge that comes almost every single day and an irregular menstrual cycle. I haven't seen any brown discharge or actual blood for months.

After reading some of the questions and answers from Muftionline, I understood the discharge to be haidh and started calculating 10 days haidh, 15 days tuhr even without seeing any blood.

I was recently informed that only when I see blood or brownish discharge, that will be my haidh. And any yellow discharge after the bloom, until the end of 10 days will be counted as haidh. After that, I must wait for blood again, otherwise never to count the yellow discharge as haidh.

1. Was what I was doing correct?

2. Was what I was told correct?

3. If what I was told was correct, do I now have to repeat all my months of salaah missed?

4. Please tell me what to do in a little extra detail. 

A: All colours are counted as blood besides white. If the yellowish discharge was present from the very first haidh you ever experienced then you will calculate your haidh as 10 days and tuhr as 20 days.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)