Semen coming out after taking a fardh ghusl

Q: I had ejaculation so then I performed ghusl. After some time a little semen ejaculated even though I was not aroused. Should I do ghusl again?

A: The Fuqahaa mention that after taking fardh ghusl, if semen comes out, then it is compulsory for one to repeat the ghusl. However, in the following three cases, if semen comes out after making ghusl, one will not have to repeat the ghusl:

(1) If one passed urine before taking ghusal, and after the ghusl, semen had come out, then repeating the ghusl will not be compulsory.

(2) If after the ghusl, one walked for forty steps or more, and thereafter, semen had come out, then repeating the ghusl will not be compulsory.

(3) If after the ghusl, one had slept for some while, and after waking up, semen had come out, then repeating the ghusl will not be compulsory.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)