Questioning Allah Ta'ala

Q: If this worldly life is a test for the eternal neverending hereafter life in hell or heaven then why to bring a new innocent infant into this test of worldly life and afterlife test of heaven or hell after knowing that the probability of going to hell is extremely high? What is the reason of bringing children into life without selfish reasons? Even it is not compulsory?

A: The entire universe, the heavens and the earth, all are completely and entirely the property of Allah Ta`ala. When it belongs to Him completely and entirely then He has the right to manage this entire administration as He pleases. He is not answerable to anybody, and every creation is answerable to Him.

Just as when you design a home, you will design your lounge and your dining area and your bedroom in a certain spot of that land and the toilet in a certain spot. The land which has been earmarked for the toilet cannot complain to you that what wrong have I done for you to throw all the filth, dirt and stink in me. Why did you not place me in the spot of the lounge. What will your response be? You will say that I am the boss and I do as I please and you have no right to question my authority.

Allah Ta`ala gives out fair and equal opportunities to all. There are those who use these opportunities correctly and they are rewarded accordingly, and there are those who waste these opportunities and persist in wrong, thereby bringing problems and disasters for themselves. No person is forced into a crime and wrong.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
