Bleeding after a miscarriage

Q: I was 11 and half weeks pregnant and started brownish spotting. I went to the gynae who couldn't find a heartbeat (they refer to it as a missed miscarriage as I had no symptoms of a miscarriage). Few hours later I had a heavy flow and the next morning went in for a d&c (scraping of the womb) please advise if this is istihaaza?


A: If the limbs of the foetus were not formed then if the blood flowed for three days or more it would be regarded as haidh provided there was fifteen days or more that passed from the last haidh. The woman will follow her previous menstruating cycle. E.g. If she was used to bleeding for five days and she now bled for over ten days, five days will be regarded as haidh and the remainder days as istihaadhah. If the limbs of the foetus were formed, then the bleeding will be regarded as nifaas.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

والسقط إن ظهر بعض خلقه من أصبع أو ظفر أو شعر ولد فتصير به نفساء هكذا في التبيين وإن لم يظهر شيء من خلقه فلا نفاس لها فإن أمكن جعل المرئي حيضا يجعل حيضا وإلا فهو استحاضة (هندية 1/37)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)