The meaing of Istiwa' in the Qur'an

Q: Please can you explain the 19 meanings of istawah in the Quran according to the muffasirun like abu jafar at tabari, ibn kathir and other great mufassirs, with qoutations will be apprecied. 

[Al-Baqara : 2 : 29, Al-A'râf : 7 : 54, Yûnus : 10 : 3, Hud  11 : 44, Al-Ra'd : 13 : 2, Tâ. Hâ : 20 : 5, Al-Mu'minûn : 23 : 28, Al-Furqân: 25 : 59, Al-Qasas : 28 : 14, Al-Sajda : 32 : 4, Fussilat  41 : 11, Al-Zukhruf : 43 : 13, Al-Fath : 48 : 29,Al-Najm : 53 : 6,Al-Hadîd : 57 : 4 ]


A: Our ulama prefer not to delve into matters which Allah Himself has not explained in detail. We believe in the wordings and the messages that are contained therein and we assign the meaning to Allah.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

قال الإمام مالك لما سئل عن الإستواء الإستواء معلوم والكيف مجهول والإيمان به واجب والسؤال عنه بدعة (مرقاة 2/17)

Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
