Sea creatures

Q: Allah Says in The Qur'an that all creatures of the sea are lawful. But, there is a general belief among Indian Muslims that we Muslims cannot eat sharks, crabs, eels, barracuda, octopus, squid and lobsters etc. among sea creatures. Please clarify whether we can eat all creatures of the sea. Are there any exceptions?


A: To say that this is a general belief among Indians is a statement made in ignorance. This is an interpretation of a hadeeth and to say that this is the way of Indian Muslims is obviously unfair and overstepping the limits of respect and caution.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

Q: You have misunderstood my statement.

The fact remains that many Indian Muslims are ignorant of what Qur'an and Hadith Say regarding may practices. Since many of us (including my ancestors) have come into the fold of Islam from Hindu faith, they have brought with them all the superstitions, rituals and taboo which are prevalent in that faith and introduced them into Islam here.  For example,  un-Islamic rituals in wedding, circumcision, girl's puberty to name a few among the many which have been brought in from the Hindu faith.  This is the reality among Indian Muslims and I am involved in the work of educating them out of these Bid'aa ceremonies. 

Please visit India and find for yourself what other practices Indian Muslims have in the Name of Islam, if you feel I am making an ignorant statement.

In that context, I was advised by my parents and relatives and many Muslim brethren in India that we Muslims cannot eat sharks, crabs, eels, barracuda, octopus, squid and lobsters etc. among sea creatures. Please clarify whether we can eat all creatures of the sea. Are there any exceptions?


A: That which is classified as fish is permissible.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

( ولا ) يحل ( حيوان مائي إلا السمك )  (الدر المختار 6/306)

Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)