Irregular Bleeding

Q: I have in the last 6 months been getting irregular bleeding between my regular period. My doctors are still trying to find out what is the cause. Please advise this affects my praying,fasting etc? My last period started on 15july and finished 21 July. So I started roza on 2nd Ramadan. On on 9th roza I started again till today which seems to be the irregular problem I have been experiencing !! I follow the Shafi mazhab, please advise me how to deal with this regarding prayer, fasting etc. I wait in anticipation for you reply, as I do not have anyone knowledgable enough in Shafi fiqh near me to guide me. I do not want to miss out on the blessed month out of ignorance.

A: If you are unable to distinguish the bleeding, then consider your regular period as your haidh and the remainder as istihaadha. This is what we have understood from the Shafi'ee kitaabs. However, (since we are Hanafis) it would be safer for you to refer to a Shafi'ee Aalim regarding this mas'ala.

وإن كانت معتادة غير مميزة بأن سبق لها حيض وطهر وهي تعلمها قدرا ووقتا فترد إليهما قدرا ووقتا. (تحفة المحتاج ص430)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)